18 research outputs found

    A Comparative Analysis on Supermarkets Retail Products Brand-Named

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    Certainly supermarkets make up the list of top places to go when it comes to food purchase The great variate of items from different sources that these places put at the disposal of consumers is meant to be among other things to excel business enterprise position In Spain as well as in many parts of the world supermarkets are seemed like places of necessity where buyers can come across their desires by letting down the price of many products In other words reducing cost and saving income

    A Linguistic and Culture Panorama of Interconnected Disciplines

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    Scientifically speaking we all know that the origins of language and culture remain unknown Researchers relate to fossil archeology evidence and historical accounts in attempting to access what many scholars do think is a topic that lacks of direct evidence However when it comes to the languages and cultures we know today it could be viable to investigate correlational language and cultural patterns in Applied Linguistics Studies Thus the present research study looks at the Spanish syntaxes t and usted to highlight correlated linguistic and cultural traits It presents an analyse of the Applied Linguistic and Culture patterns related to the subject investigated and methodological insights based on the method developed by Edward T Hall a prospect that describes and analyses cultures The research study was conducted by following suitable research protocols This criterium involved the analysis of various research publications and Internet accredited website sources This research study is beneficial for scholars involved and interested in conducting researchers related to Spanish Linguistic and Cultural Connectiveness Pattern

    Learning Outcomes Acquisition in Second Language Tertiary Education Classroom Practices

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    Indeed Learning Outcomes LO are vital components of a curriculum design These themes are not only a reflex of Education academic administrative standards but more importantly a prelude for lecturing s guidance and learning comprehension Although Learning Outcomes refer to those learning achievements that learners will be able to demonstrate once completing the learning process fulfilling this wanted goal still represents an academic challenge for all kinds of teaching and learning disciplines and language is not exempted from being a subject that requires especial scrutinizes when addressing Learning Outcomes Herewith the study aimed to analyze learning outcome aspects and implications in second language acquisition in Tertiary Education classroom practices It also brings up a based prospect on language insights and curriculum settings To accomplish this objective various manuscripts and Internet accredited websites were searched The outcome revealed that the idea of boosting second language learners knowledge and skills cognition meaning differentiation and association to treat the acquisition of learning outcomes at Tertiary Education classroom practices might be assumed as an academic functional approach that helps academicians in handling the second language acquisition process and therefore in producing university graduate s skill

    Tertiary Education Technology Management towards Studying Willingness Approaches: A Sociological Perspective

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    Without the shadow of a doubt the use of technology has become not only an inseparable part of our daily lives but it is also changing with not coming back the way we look at future societies living styles So much so the truth that we already ponder is matter of a forthcoming civilized world living concept And unless a catastrophic would happen this is the scenario we do portray With this the study aimed to analyze tertiary education technology management towards studying willingness approaches It also provides based research study blended learning methodological insights To accomplish this objective a revision of reliable materials such as academic scripts books and Internet accredited websites was conducted This research criterium involved the mixed of quantitative and qualitative research techniques The present research study takes up on technology individuals rate usage which affective-paraphernalia has led to the high degree of self-reliance and self-direct individuals behaviors we all can observe in these days university students All this to create a body of knowledge about this particular phenomeno

    Searching Information through Technology and Human Interaction

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    The Computer Age also known as Digital Age and Information Age and New Media Age has been the most impactable historical period of human civilization If well the truth that its precursor the Industrial Revolution drastically changed the way societies lived and worked and plaid the magnitude of its impact in terms of communication cannot be compared with the one the Computer Age has brought into today s society Consequently technology and human interaction have become a modern society norm Indeed a well-considered focus for academic and scientific research The study takes on the Communication philosophy and Communication Theory to present an outlook on searching for information through technology and human interaction It focuses on the Shamon Weaver Model to transcribe this model communication concept into a Search Engine Communication Model SECM The study has used a qualitative method approach for the collection and analysis of correlated materials such as books and publications and Internet-accredited websites The results of this study are beneficial to the academic and scientific communities respectivel

    Teaching Language and Cultural Creativity through the Textual Composition of the Hispanic American Tale Epistemological Reasoning and Subjective Imagination

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    Currently the search for alternatives that allow the teaching of creativity is subject of discussion in the scientific research community Due to the attention that this is having in the educational field including the discipline of Spanish as foreign language ELE it is necessary to provide new approaches and possible solutions that cope with this view The objective of this research is to present a manuscript that serves as a reference for the teaching Spanish language and cultural creativity through the textual composition of the Hispanic American Tale To achieve this objective an analysis of this theme has been carried out in juxtaposition with the hypothesis that the research presents The result of which straits the acquisition of cognitive and affective domains of the target language The research has used a combined qualitative and quantitative method for the collection and analysis of literary materials from the hand and work of prominent Hispanic American writers scientific and academic publications and accredited websites This documentation is in absolute correspondence with the objective presented in this research stud

    Blended Learning-Effectiveness and Application in Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages

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    The present research paper is designed to investigate the importance of the application of Blended Learning (BL) in education as a method for teaching and learning Foreign Languages Subjects (FLs) at university level. The study has used the mixed-method approach for the collection of data and its analysis. The study discloses: The researh-design; Foreign Language-framework; Teaching and learning-roleplay-reflection and Methodoly-schemes. Although the employment of BL is very important in teaching and learning practices; the paper-results concluded that there is a need to provide methodologies and computer training sessions to the FL teachers for effective employment of BL in foreign languages classes. Consequently to this the study aimed to deliver an applicable script through which Spanish language teachers and foreing language teachers obtain pedagogical- and computer knowledge-inputs to setup foreing languages classes trough Blended Learning

    Orthography Analysis-Spanish Graphical Accentuation Setting

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    This research article is setting up an outlined-linguistic-overview regarding to the use of the “Tilde” in the writing context of Spanish Language. The study looked over various-literature-materials from different sources and added new-insights into its contextual framework to expose Spanish-language-Orthography such as Words-Type; Accents-Type; Vocabulary and Grammar-Patterns. The use of the “tilde” in teaching and learning Spanish as Second Foreign Language (ELE) continue to be a focus of concern and discussion among Spanish language teachers as well as the learners of this particular foreign language subject (FLs). Numerous studies have emphasized on the need to provide accuracy-learning-materials in relation to this orthography-linguistic-trait. Consequently to this observation, the study aimed to deliver valuable text-references through which Spanish language learners know about the application of the “Tilde” in the writing system of Spanish language. Furthermore, methodological schemes are provided to assist Spanish language teachers in formatting and delivering Spanish-language-assignments that fit into the subject-matter-discussed

    Spanish Language Grammatical Context—Acknowledging Specific Language Characteristics

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    The current research article exposes a linguistic-outline-analysis about the use of Nouns-Object/Thing/Place, Definite and Indefinite Articles and Descriptive Adjectives in the writing and speaking context of Spanish language communication. The teaching and learning of these Spanish grammar themes continue to be subject of interest among scholars due to the level of complexities that these syntaxes present in terms of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) (Bialystok, 1981). The article collected appropriate literature-materials from different sources and added new-contextual-insights into its frame to adhesive an analytical-database with emphasis on Spanish Language Grammatical Contexts that tap into the subject-matter-discussed. Being consecutive to this, the study aimed to provide valuable material as a reference to teach and study these Spanish grammar subjects in Spanish foreign language classes

    Así soy yo: Spanish Grammar-Comprehension and Acknowledging Specific Language Characteristics

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    The outcome of this research article contains a suitable literature material regarding to the following Spanish language grammar patterns: 1. Nouns. 2. Definite and Indefinite Articles. 3. Descriptive Adjectives. The article distinguishes these grammar forms compering with their English language counterpart. It spells out the application of these Spanish syntaxes according to the Spanish language writing system. It highlights communication insights related to the uniform usage of these grammar components in this field. It contextualizes the significant role that memory plays in acquiring the grammar of Spanish when working with English speaking students of Spanish as Second Foreign Language (ELE) as well as it refers to the implementation of the deductive and inductive approaches in teaching and learning Spanish grammar. The teaching and learning of nouns, definite and indefinite articles and descriptive adjectives in Spanish classes continue to be subject of interest among many scholars due to the level of complexities that these Spanish grammar themes present in terms of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) 1 (Bialystok, 1981). Lining to the general prospect presented in this abstract, the study aimed to provide a new enlightening manuscript that serves as reference to teach and study these Spanish grammar subjects in Spanish languages classes